Bronze Buffalo Ranch

Victor, Idaho


North Carolina's Best Golf Holes

The best holes by state section awards Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals for the Gurus' favorite Par 3s, 4s, and 5s state-by-state.

Gold Medal Holes Silver Medal Holes Bronze Medal Holes

North Carolina's Gold Medal Holes

  • Par 3: National Golf Club, 176 yard 9th hole (Pinehurst, NC)
  • Par 4: Pinehurst No.2, 476 yard 5th hole (Pinehurst, NC)
  • Par 5: Tobacco Road Golf Club, 558 yard 1st hole (Sanford, NC)

Pinehurst No.2 5th
Pinehurst No.2 5th
Tobacco Road Golf Club 1st
Tobacco Road Golf Club 1st

North Carolina's Silver Medal Holes

  • Par 3: Eagle Point Golf Club, 186 yard 10th hole (Wilmington, NC)
  • Par 4: Dormie Golf Club, 440 yard 4th hole (West End, NC)
  • Par 5: Dormie Golf Club, 506 yard 17th hole (West End, NC)

Eagle Point Golf Club 10th
Eagle Point Golf Club 10th
Dormie Golf Club 4th
Dormie Golf Club 4th

North Carolina's Bronze Medal Holes

  • Par 3: Bald Head Island, 187 yard 16th hole (Bald Head Island, NC)
  • Par 4: Forest Creek Golf Club (North), 432 yard 15th hole (Pinehurst, NC)
  • Par 5: National Golf Club, 510 yard 10th hole (Pinehurst, NC)

Forest Creek Golf Club (North) 15th
Forest Creek Golf Club (North) 15th
National Golf Club 10th
National Golf Club 10th

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Golf Course Gurus