Whispering Pines Golf Club

Trinity, Texas


The rankings section contains a variety of list ranking from the Guru's personal rankings of courses and holes to national publication rankings.

The Guru's Rankings

  • TOP 100 Golf Courses in the UNITED STATES:  The top 100 courses the Gurus have played in the United States. This list includes both public and private courses.
  • TOP 100 PUBLIC Golf Courses in the UNITED STATES:  The top 100 Public courses the Gurus' have played in the United States. When you don't have access to private courses; this is the list you need.
  • TOP INTERNATIONAL Golf Courses:  The Gurus have fallen in love with golf courses outside of America and find them to be some of the most fascinating experiences a golfer can have. This list ranks the best courses they've visited outside the U.S. including Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico.
  • BEST IN STATE COURSE & INDIVIDUAL COUNTRY RANKINGS:  Whether it is seeing courses in your own state or trying to figure out where to play on a golf trip, these lists are the Guru's favorite courses visited state-by-state. You'll also find individual rankings of the best golf courses in Scotland, Ireland, England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic.
  • GOLF COURSE GURUS RANKING SCALE:  Each course is given a grade similar to what you'd get in school. A+, B-, etc. This document breaks down the thought process behind each grade level.
  • TOP 100 GOLF HOLES:  The Guru's favorite signature holes, difficult holes, and flat out stunning holes. The list consists of 33 par 3s, 34 par 4s, and 33 par 5s.
  • Best in State Hole Rankings:  Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals are awarded to the best par 3s, 4s, and 5s of each state. The holes impressed the Guru the most when he tee it up.
  • Best Holes by an Architect:  Every golf course architect has designed some great holes, as well as some duds. This list features a dozen of the game's biggest names in golf course design and lists their best holes, limited to those the Gurus have played to date.

The Guru's Lists

  • 36 Hole Days:  Few things are better than playing golf all day. Here is a list the best 36 holes days that the Gurus have participated in. (Updated: April 2018)
  • Chicks Dig the Long Ball:  The title of this group of lists comes from the classic Nike commercial featuring Atlanta Braves pitching legends Greg Maddux and Tom Glavine working out in order to hit homeruns. This collection of lists include the courses over 8,000 yards and holes that will shock you at how long they are that the Gurus have played; along with the most difficult ratings and slopes. (Updated: May 2023)
  • Guru Statistics:  Random lists that give to some insight to some of the head Golf Course Guru's travels. Lists include number of courses played in each state, by each architect, and by year designed. (Updated: May 2023)
  • Overrated and Underrated:  "Don't believe the hype" is a phrase made famous by Public Enemy and something every golfer has fallen victim to. Here is the Gurus' most overrated and underrated courses in comparison to national magazine rankings. (Updated: February 2023)
  • The 18:  Have you ever wanted to take the best holes from your favorite courses and combine them into one mega course? Well "The 18" is just that; a variety of fantasy course lists from the greatest 18, to the toughest 18, to the most affordable 18 and more. (Updated: January 2017)

National Magazine Rankings

Golf Magazine

Golf Digest Magazine

Golfweek Magazine

Suggestions or Requests?  Need an idea for a golf trip? Drop us an email letting us know the number of players involved, the budget, and number of days you want the trip to entail and we'd be happy to give you our thoughts on a trip you not only won't forget, but that you'll want to do over and over again.

The best golf hole on Earth: #16 at Cypress Point
The best golf hole on Earth: #16 at Cypress Point

Follow the Golf Course Gurus to some of the country's top golf destinations

Golf Course Gurus